Tuesday 9 May 2017

Question 4

Brief Summary

I used Web 2.0 as a way of researching for the codes and conventions of what a film noir and gangster film should look like. Through this I jotted down how I could conform and stray from the conventions. The use of social networking sites also allowed for me to view what previous students had created when constructing their A2 portfolio and gave me an insight into the specific and relevant things I should be researching to help me plan for my final media product.

During the Pre-Production stage I used media technologies such as a Canon Camera which allowed for me to film the necessary footage that would help me create my media product. The two problems I encountered with the camera was that they were only three, meaning that me and other students had to constantly take turns in swapping cameras and organising available dates when we were to use them. Secondly with one of the cameras I used the focus wasn't brilliant meaning my footage didn't come out as clearly as I would have wanted.

Lastly, I had to use software's such as Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Photoshop. The advantage I faced with using Photoshop is that I had previously used it for my AS coursework (the year prior) meaning I could finish my ancillary tasks much more quicker. Regarding the use of Premier Pro it took a little while to be finally be confident and comfortable with using it as I was unfamiliar to it. To help me gain this level of familiarity I watched various YouTube tutorials of regular users of the software to guide me to use it efficiently when editing my trailer.

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